Young-Kee Kim in the Library for Symmetry
Young-Kee Kim
Selected Talks, and Lectures:
Year 2014
- "International Collaborations with International Impact", Graduate
Student Symposium associated
with American Chemical Society National Meeting, Aug. 12
- "Experimental Summary Talk",
37th International Conference on High Energy Physics, July 2-9, Valencia
- Featured guest speaker at the celebration of International Women's Day 2014 at the University of
Chicago, March 8
Year 2013
- Colloquium, Stony Brook Univ., Nov. 26
- Colloquium, Indian Univ., Nov. 20
- "Progress and Prospects", Workshop on Caree Development for Women in
Physics, ICTP, Trieste, Sept. 16
- Lecture, Science and Policy Class, Yale Univ., Sept. 11
- "U.S. High Energy Physics and The Intensity Frontier", U.S.-Korea
Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship,
Aug. 7
- "The Fermilab Program for the Next Decade", 46th Fermilab Users Meeting, Jun. 12
- Public Lecture, Batavia City Council, May 29
- Higgs: Higgs
boson discussion launches UChicago Discovery Series, U.Chicago, Feb. 7
- Public Lecture, Ewha Womans's University, March 19
- "Future Neutrino Projects in U.S.", XV International Workshop
on Neutrino Telescopes, Venice,
Italy, Mar. 14
- "Progress and Prospects", Conference for Undergraduate Women in
Physics, UIUC, Jan. 19
Year 2012
- Colloquium, University of Chicago, Nov. 2
- Open Symposium on Particle and Nuclear Physics, Institute for Basic
Science, Seoul, Sept. 15
- "Beyond the Higgs", Closing Lecture, CERN Summer Lecture Program,
Aug. 10
- "Korea - U.S.Collaboration on High Energy Physics", Fermilab, Augu. 7
- "Particle Physics", KWiSE Annual East Coast Conference, Vienna, VA,
Jun. 16
- Women in Science Symposium: "Big Ideas, Big Impact", Chicago, May
- "CERN: What's it all about?", Public Lecture, Chicago Council on Science and Technology, May 1
- "Opportunities for Korea-US Collaboration on High Energy Physics", Workshop on Nuclear Physics,
Particle Physics, and Astophysics, Apr. 25
- "My Life, My Caree, My Research", NSF STEM Leadership Seminar, UIC, Apr. 20
- "The Intensity Frontier on the Great Plains", Colloquium, UT Arlington, Apr. 4
- "Project X Forum on Spallation Sources for Particle Physics", Fermilab, Mar. 19
- "Fermilab: The Next Decade and Beyond", Aspen Conference, Feb. 16
- "Fermilab: The Next Decade and Beyond", Excellence in Detectors and Instrumentation
Technologies, Fermilab, Feb. 13
- "The Intensity Frontier on the Great Plains", Colloquium, University of Chicago, Jan. 26
- "Fermilab: Current Programs and Future Plan", AKPA Symposium, UT Arlington, Jan. 20
- "The Intensity Frontier on the Great Plains", Colloquium, Pacific Northwest National Lab, Jan.
Year 2011
- Physics for everyone, Fermilab, Nov. 16
- Emma K. Malmstrom Lecture, Hamline University, Nov. 11
- Public Lecture, Fermilab, Oct. 21
- "Big Ideas need Big Science", TED*HanRiver, Chicago, Oct. 1
- "Partile Physics: Now and Future", Alcatel-Lucent Technical Academy, Sept. 23
- "Understanding the Origin of Mass", Asian Science Camp, South Korea, Aug. 9
- Lecture, Asian Science Camp, Daejeon, South Korea, Aug. 8
- "Particle Physics Story", Public Lecture, Korea, Aug. 5
- "Particle Physics and Fermilab", NIU, Apr. 20
- Public Lecture, Virgina Tech, Apr. 12
- Colloquium, Carnegie Mellon University, Mar. 22
- "Borromean Rings", Public Lecture, Korea, Feb. 11
Year 2010
- "Particle Physics: where we are trying to go", Colloquium, Rutgers Univ., Nov. 10
- "Particle Physics: where we are trying to go", Korean Physical Society Meeting, Oct. 20
- "Particle Physics and Fermilab", Symposium of Special Topic in Physics, University of Maryland,
Aug. 20
- "Borromean Rings", Public Lecture, Korea, Jun. 15
- "Fermilab: Now and Future", 1st Workshop on Intensity Frontier of Muon Fundamental Science,
KEK, Japan, Jun. 10
- "Fermilab: Now and Futuree", U.Chicago Alumni, Jun. 4
- Lecture to Fermilab Summer Interns, Jun. 1
- "The Fermilab: How Frontier Physics meets Medical Sciences", Erice International School of
Scientific Jounalism and Communication", Erice, Sicily, Italy, May 9-13
- "Fermilab: Now and Future", Phenomenology Symposium, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison,
May 10-12
- "Physics where small and big things meet and where inner and outer space meet", Rosary High
School, May 6
- "Particle Physics in U.S. and Fermilab", Korean Physical Society Meeting, Apr. 22
- Vaden W. Miles Memorial Lecture, Wayne State University, Apr. 1
- Public Lecture, University of South Dakoda, Jan. 26
- Keynote speaker of Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics
Year 2009
- "Physics where small and big things meet", University of Chicago, Dec. 10
- "Plans for superbeams in U.S.", European Strategy for Future Neutrino Physics, CERN, Oct. 2
- Gran Sasso Lab - Fermilab workshop, Gran Sasso, Sept. 9
- Colloquium, University of Virginia, Sept. 4
- Frontier Detectors fr Frontier Physics, 11th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, May 26
- APS March Meeting,
Pittsburgh (Women in Physics), May 8-10
- Colloquium, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Apr. 24
- Lecture, Illinois Math and Science Academy, Mar. 24
- Colloquium, Cornell University, Feb. 24
Year 2008
- Plenary Lecture, Nov. 7, Sigma Pi Sigma Conf.
- Public Lecture, Oct. 7, "Searching for the Baby Universe"
- Plenary Lecture, Oct. 8, IUPAP: Inter. Conf. on Women in Physics
- APS Apring meeting, Apr.11-15, St. Louis
- Women in Phys: Challenges & Opportunities in a Phys. Career
- NP08, Mar. 5-7, website
- Fermilab Users Meeting, Jun. 4-5, website
- Colloquium, Aug. 27, JLab
- Seminars: CERN (Apr.8), Paris 7 (Apr.7)
Year 2007
- Lepton Photon: Summary Talk
- AAAS Meeting: A New Frontier in Particle Physics
- Colloquia
- Oct. 17, University of Florida
- March 15, Michigan State Univ.
- April 13, Argonne National Lab.
- Seminars
- Maryland (Nov.28)
- UIUC (Nov.26)
- DESY, Germany (Nov.7)
- The Cockcroft Institute of Accelerator Science and Technology, U.K. (Nov.5)
- University of Manchester, U.K. (Nov.6)
- Liverpool, U.K. (Nov.6)
- U.Chicago (Oct.29)
- Imperial College, U.K. (Oct.1)
- Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, U.K. (Oct.1)
- Oxford University, U.K. (Oct.1)
Year 2006
- Public Lecture: December 7, Univerwity of Texas, Arlington
- 2nd World Summit: Physics Beyond the Standard Model: June 22-25, 2006, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador;
- Moriond Conference Summary Talk: March 11-18, La Thuile, Italy
- ILC International Workshop in Bangalore: March 8-12, Bangalore, India
- Top quark mass and W boson mass at CDF: March 6-8, Tsukuba, Japan
- Colloquia "E=mc2: Opening Windows on the World"
- U. Penn, Jan. 11,
- University of Washington, Seattle, Dec. 5
- University of Texas, Arlington, Dec. 7
- Seminars:
Year 2005
- "Scientific Case for Future Colliders", ICFA Seminar
- Public Lecture
- "E = mc2: Opening Windows on the World", August 17, 2005: Aspen Physics Lecture
(See this page)
- Public Lecture: "Modern Consequences of E = mc2"
- June 2, 2005: Korea University
- June 3, 2005: Taegu Science High School, Hayang Elementary, Junior High and High School
- June 4, 2005: Namsan High School
- Talk in Korean: ppt, pdf
Year 2004
Year 2003
- "Summary of WIN03 Workshop", October, 2003, Lake Geneva
- "Linear Collider Detectors and Interaction Point Options", APS/DPF Meeting, April 5-8, Philadelphia
Year 2002
Year 2001
Year 2000
Year 1999
- "W Mass Meas. at CDF", Mar. 19, Fermilab Wine & Cheese Seminar
- "W Mass Meas. at CDF", Mar. 5, La Thuile Conference
- "Run II Prospects on Electroweak Precision Measurements", Report from Run II Workshop (.ps.gz and pdf)