News from The Miller Lab

Timothy Hoffman

Conference 08/12/2024

Congratulations to Timothy for presenting his poster on "Near perfect jet classification through equivariant regression" at the 2024 AIFI Summer Workshop!

Gabe HoshinoMira Littmann

Congratulations 08/10/2024

End of the BREAD Axion Physics Run in the 4T solenoid magnet at Argonne National Laboratory. Huge congratulations to Gabe, Alex, and Mira, along with all of our collaborators!

Ben RosserGabe HoshinoMira Littmann

Conference 08/07/2024

Many people from the group, including Ben Rosser, Gabe, and Mira, attended the Inaugural Meeting of the US Muon Collider Community on August 7-9th at Fermilab

Cecilia Tosciri

Conference 07/29/2024

Cecilia presents the results from gFEX for the fully commissioned Run 3 performance at the 2024 BOOST Workshop on Jets and Jet Substriucture

Cecilia Tosciri

Conference 07/16/2024

Cecilia delivers a plenary talk on Trigger and Operations Developments at the US ATLAS Summer Workshop 2024

Kristin DonaDavid Miller

Conference 06/27/2024

Kristin and David Miller update the ATLAS L1Calo community on the status and progress of gFEX in Run 3, and preparations for Run 4 (HL-LHC) at the ATLAS L1Calo Joint Meeting at CERN

David MillerGabe HoshinoMira Littmann

Seminar 06/18/2024

David Miller delivers invited Fundamental Physics Directorate (FPD) Seminar at SLAC on the first results from the BREAD Experiment! Heavily featuring the work of Gabe, Mira, Alex, as well as our close collaborators at Fermilab, Andrew and Stefan,

David MillerJan OffermannTimothy HoffmanMarwah RoussiCecilia Tosciri

Conference 06/18/2024

David Miller delivers invited Research Progress Meeting (RPM) Seminar at Berkeley Lab (LBNL) on our group's use of Machine Learning in Particle Physics! Heavily featuring work from Jan, Timothy, Alex, Marwah (and collaborators) on PELICAN, and Cecilia (and collaborators) on the self-driving trigger!


Celebration 06/06/2024

KICP 20th Anniversary Celebration!

Emily Smith

Graduation 06/01/2024

Congratulations again to Emily Smith who was hooded as Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in the graduation ceremony for the Physical Sciences Division as part of the 538th Convocation of the University of Chicago!

Xiaoyang LiuBianca PolNathaniel SelubJasper Heymann

Congratulations 06/01/2024

Congratulations to Xiaoyang, Bianca, Nathaniel, Alex, and Jasper who all graduated from the College of the University of Chicago today!

Kristin DonaCecilia TosciriDavid Miller

Congratulations 05/29/2024

ATLAS releases the first public results of gFEX trigger the ATLAS Experiment with both large-R jet trigger efficiencies and MET trigger efficiencies and rates vs instantaneous luminosity. Huge congratulations to Kristin and Cecilia and David Miller for these results!

Ben Rosser

Conference 05/15/2024

Ben Rosser presents his work on motivation for FPGA-accelerated tracking in the trigger at the APS DPF/Pheno Conference

Gabe HoshinoMira Littmann

Detector commissioning 05/10/2024

Commissioning for the BREAD Axion Physics Run in the 4T solenoid magnet at Argonne National Laboratory begins, and is being led by Gabe, Alex, and Mira, along with our closest collaborators from Fermilab, Andrew and Stefan.

Cecilia Tosciri

Conference 03/14/2024

Cecilia presents the plenary talk on "gFEX: Status & Expected Performance" at the ATLAS TDAQ Week Meeting at CERN

Ben Rosser

Conference 03/12/2024

Ben Rosser presents his results on Detector Design at 10 TeV Center of Mass Energy for the Muon Collider concept at the Third Annual Meeting of the International Muon Collider Collaboration and the first MuCol Annual Meeting

Cecilia TosciriKristin Dona

Conference 02/29/2024

Cecilia Tosciri presents her work on gFex Simulation & Monitoring - Recent developments & plans as well as the plans for Trigger menu - From legacy to Phase-I only and Kristin Dona made key contributions to both Cecilia's talk on gFEX monitoring as well as collaborator Despina Sampsonidou's gFEX Performance talk at the ATLAS L1Calo Joint Meeting Workshop at CERN this week!

Jan OffermannTimothy HoffmanXiaoyang Liu

Paper Accepted 02/25/2024

Our PELICAN paper was accepted for publication in JHEP! Congratulations to Jan Offermann, Timothy Hoffman, and Xiaoyang Liu, as well as lead author and collaborator Alex Bogatskiy!

Emily Smith

Preprint Published 02/20/2024

Huge congratulations to Emily Smith for the release of the preprint of her PhD thesis work on Measurements of Lund subjet multiplicities in 13 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector [arXiv:2402.13052]

Gabe HoshinoMira LittmannAlex Lapuente

Paper Accepted 02/13/2024

Our GigaBREAD results for our first dark photon search (without a magnetic field) were accepted for publication in PRL! Congratulations to PhD student Gabe Hoshingo, and undergraduate researchers Mira Littmann and Alex Lapuente, as well as our close colleagues at Fermilab and elsewhere!

David Miller

In the news... 11/14/2023

Physics Today news article Precision measurements bring the search for new physics to the table featuring quotes from David Miller discussing the research and progress in the group's search for axions with the BREAD experiment.

David Miller

In the news... 11/14/2023

Much of the group's work in both real-time data processing and filtering, or trigger, systems as well as several novel concepts underyway to incorporate machine learning were highlighted in a Symmetry News Article LHC physicists can’t save them all with quotes from David Miller as well as several colleagues and collaborators in high energy physics

Gabe HoshinoBen Rosser

Conference 11/10/2023

PhD student Gabe Hoshino and Fermi-McCormick Fellow Ben Rosser present the results of their research at the CPAD 2023 Workshop at SLAC. Gabe presented our First Results from the GigaBREAD Experiment while Ben presented Detector R&D Towards a 10 TeV Muon Collider

Emily Smith

Ph.D 10/30/2023

Congratulations to Dr. Emily Smith on her successfull PhD Thesis Defense today!!

Timothy HoffmanJan Offermann

Congratulations 10/24/2023

Congratulations to Alex Bogatskiy, Timothy Hoffman, and Jan Offermann for their new arXiv paper extending the PELICAN architecture concept to include also much smaller network footprints. A dvelopment that they call nanoPELICAN

David Miller

New appointment 10/22/2023

David Miller is officially appointed as a new Senior Member of the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics (KICP)

Gabe HoshinoAlex LapuenteMira Littmann

Preprint Published 10/21/2023

GigaBREAD preprint paper (arXiv:2310.13891) on "First Results from a Broadband Search for Dark Photon Dark Matter in the 44 to 52 ueV range with a coaxial dish antenna" were posted to the arXiv today! Congratuatlations to PhD student Gabe Hoshino, and undergraduate researchers Alex Lapuente and Mira Littmann, along with all of our collaborators!

Kristin DonaBen Rosser

Conference 10/06/2023

PhD student Kristin Dona and Fermi-McCormick Fellow Ben Rosser present the results of their research at the (3rd CERN System-on-Chip Workshop). Kristin described her work on SoC Integration and Usage in the gFEX Hardware Trigger in ATLAS, while Ben talked about using the Xilinx Versal ACAP/SoC for Real-Time or Quasi-Real Time Data Processing

Jan Offermann

Conference 09/14/2023

Jan Offermann presents PELICAN: Equivariance and Explainability in Jet ML in the ATLAS Machine Learning Forum: Physics-inspired models

David Miller

New appointment 09/01/2023

David Miller officially starts his role as Director of UChicago-Fermilab Scientific Strategy

Jan OffermannTimothy Hoffman

Conference 08/01/2023

Jan Offermann, Timothy Hoffman, and collaborator Alex Bogatskiy present the results from our recent paper on PELICAN: Equivariance and Explainability in Jet ML at the BOOST 2023 Conference at Berkeley


LHC News 07/17/2023

News was released of the quench of an LHC inner triplet magnet at 1.00 a.m. + 17 seconds on Monday, 17 July 2023. Current estimates are that proton-proton collisions are now in jeaopardy for the rest of 2023.

Cecilia TosciriKristin DonaJan OffermannBen RosserDavid Miller

Conference 06/26/2023

A meeting of the entire ATLAS Collaboration (ATLAS Week) kicks off in Vancouver, Canada, including posters and presentations from Cecilia Tosciri, Kristin Dona, Jan Offermann, Ben Rosser, and David Miller!

David MillerDaniel GolonkaDerrick RodriguezThiago Vieira

Welcome 06/17/2023

A huge welcome to new undergraduate researchers in the Miller Lab group Daniel Golonka, Derrick Rodriguez, and Thiago Vieira, who are planning to work on several projects including the triggers for the ATLAS experiment, the GigaBREAD experiment, and novel ideas for machine learning in high-energy physics!


Conference 06/15/2023

Collaborator Stefan Knirck presents the first results from the BREAD experiment at the 16th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs, and WISPs!

Mira Littmann

Welcome 05/12/2023

Welcome to Mira Littmann, undergraduate at UChicago, who is joining the group to work on research related to the BREAD experiment!

Emily SmithCecilia TosciriKristin DonaDavid Miller

Major milestone 11/21/2022

gFEX was enabled for the first time as a physics trigger in ATLAS! Congratulations to Emily Smith, Cecilia Tosciri, Kristin Dona, and David Miller, along with all of the gFEX team and collaborators for this milestone achievement!

Timothy HoffmanDavid MillerJan Offermann

Paper Accepted 11/01/2022

Congratulations to Alexander Bogatskiy, Timothy Hoffman, David Miller, and Jan Offermann for the new paper on measuring the properties of boosted top quarks using "PELICAN: Permutation Equivariant and Lorentz Invariant or Covariant Aggregator Network for Particle Physics" is now accepted for publication as part of the NeurIPS Workshop on Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences and posted on the arXiv!

Emily Smith

Conference 08/18/2022

Emily Smith presents a talk on "The global Feature Extractor: Hardware Triggers for Jets in Run 3 and Beyond" at the BOOST 2022 conference in Hamburg, Germany

Ben RosserEmily SmithJan OffermannDavid Miller

Conference 07/17/2022

The Snowmass Community Summer Study Workshop kicks off in Seattle, Washington, with Ben Rosser, Emily Smith, Jan Offermann, and David Miller in attendance and contributing to a variety of frontiers including the energy frontier, instrumentation frontier, and more!

Cecilia Tosciri

Conference 07/09/2022

Cecilia Tosciri presents a talk on "The global feature extractor: A new component of the Level-1 Calorimeter trigger Phase-I upgrade for the ATLAS experiment" at ICHEP 2022 - the International Conference on High Energy Physics, in Bologna, Italy

Kristin Dona

Conference 07/08/2022

Kristin Dona presents a poster on "Testing quantum photosensors for the BREAD experiment" at ICHEP 2022 - the International Conference on High Energy Physics, in Bologna, Italy

Ben Rosser

Conference 05/09/2022

Ben Rosser presents a talk on "Searches for dark matter with the ATLAS detector" at the Phenomenology 2022 Symposium: From Virtual to Real conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

David Miller

White Paper 03/15/2022

Snowmass White Paper on "Innovations in trigger and data acquisition systems for next-generation physics facilities" [arXiv:2203.07620] led by David Miller and collaborators Catrin Bernius and Rainer Bartoldus (SLAC) submitted to the Snowmass process and posted on the arXiv!

David MillerJan Offermann

White Paper 03/11/2022

Snowmass White Paper on "Symmetry Group Equivariant Architectures for Physics" [arXiv:2203.06153] -- with contributions from Miller Group members and close collaborators Alexander Bogatskiy, Risi Kondor, David W. Miller, Jan Offermann, and Mariel Pettee, -- submitted to the Snowmass process and posted on the arXiv!

Jesse LiuKristin DonaGabe Hoshino

Paper Accepted 03/04/2022

BREAD paper [arXiv:2111.12103] accepted to Physical Review Letters (PRL)!! Congratulations to Jesse Liu, Kristin Dona, and Gabe Hoshino, along with our close collaborators at Fermilab, Andrew Sonnenschein and Stefan Knirck, and all of the other contributors to this result!


Major milestone 02/24/2022

gFEX successfully included into a run with other ATLAS subdetectors (during milestone run M12)!

Cecilia Tosciri

Detector commissioning 01/03/2022

Congratulations to Cecilia Tosciri for being appointed to be the Trigger Menu Contact person for the ATLAS Level-1 Hardware Calorimeter Trigger (L1Calo) system! This role is crucial in that she will establish a connection between the teams building and commissioning the new Phase I hardware trigger system and the teams that design the physics selection criteria for the entire experiment. Congrats, Cecilia, on this recognition of your work!

Ben Rosser

Welcome 01/02/2022

Welcome to new group member and McCormick Fellow Ben Rosser! Ben will primarily work with Mel Shochet and Young-Kee Kim on Tracking for the Event Filter trigger system, but will also liaise with our group on topics related to the Global Event Processor (GEP) trigger system for the HL-LHC.

Emily Smith


Emily Smith integrates the gFEX Detector Control System (DCS) Project into the overall ATLAS control system!

Jesse LiuKristin DonaGabe Hoshino

Preprint Published 11/24/2021

BREAD preprint posted to the arXiv (arXiv:2111.12103) and submitted to Physical Review Letters (PRL)! Special thanks and credit to Jesse Liu, Kristin Dona, and Gabe Hoshino!

Emily SmithKristin DonaCecilia Tosciri

Congratulations 10/29/2021

First Stable Beams with gFEX! Real proton-proton collision data collected! Congratulations to Emily, Kristin, Cecilia, Raam, and Fukun!


Detector commissioning 10/29/2021

First Beam Splash events with gFEX! This is a major milestone in commissioning the system.

Jan Offermann

Conference 10/06/2021

Jan Offermann served as one of the co-conveners for the Jet Inputs session of the 2021 ATLAS Hadronic Calibration Workshop!

Gabe Hoshino

Welcome 10/01/2021

Welcome to new group member and first year PhD student Gabe Hoshino! Gabe will work on the MilliQan project for his first year experimental project as part of PHYS 335.

Emily SmithCecilia TosciriKristin DonaRaam DesaniFukun Tang

Congratulations 08/18/2021

gFEX board installed in ATLAS underground in the counting room (USA15)! Huge congratulations to Emily Smith, Cecilia Tosciri, Kristin Dona, as well as Raam Desani and Fukun Tang, who all work on this project, along with our many collaborators in the US and International ATLAS!

Emily Smith

Conference 07/26/2021

Emily Smith presents a poser on the "The phase-1 upgrade of the ATLAS level-1 calorimeter trigger" at the < href="">2021 European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics

Ben Rosser

Conference 07/14/2021

Ben Rosser presents a talk on "The HCCStar ASIC for the ATLAS ITk silicon strip detector: design and verification" at the 2021 Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society (DPF21)

Kristin Dona

Conference 07/13/2021

Kristin Dona presents a talk on "THz Photon Source Testing for the BREAD Experiment" at the 2021 Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society (DPF21)

Liliana ValleCecilia TosciriSadie Seddon-Stettler

Welcome 06/23/2021

Welcome to new group member and UChicago REU student for Summer 2021, Liliana Valle! She will be working with Cecilia Tosciri and Sadie Seddon-Stettler on building components for MilliQan!

Kristin Dona

Congratulations 06/10/2021

PhD student Kristin Dona successfully proceed to candidacy opon completion of her second year! Congratulations, Kristin!

Emily Smith

Prize 06/05/2021

Emily Smith wins the University of Chicago Physics Department Winstein Prize in Instrumentation for outstanding work in the development or application of instrumentation! Congratulations, Emily!

Omar Beesley

M.S. 06/02/2021

Masters Degree student Omar Beesley successfully defend his masters thesis and will continue his PhD studies at the University of Washington in the fall! Congrats, Omar!

Reina CamachoMax Swiatlowski

Congratulations 05/26/2021

Congratulations to former postdoctoral scholar, now faculty at LPNHE in Paris, Reina Camacho, who has just been appointed as Convener of the Jets and Missing Energy Combined Performance Group in ATLAS, along with the current convener, Max Swiatlowski, another former postdoc and faculty at TRIUMF in Canada!

Sadie Seddon-StettlerDavid Miller

Welcome 05/16/2021

Welcome to Sadie Seddon-Stettler who has just joined the Miller Lab to work on building new components for the upgraded milliQan experiment for Run 3 of the LHC!

Kristin DonaJesse Liu

Conference 04/19/2021

Kristin Dona presents her work at the 2021 APS April Meeting Conference on building the FTS for the proposed BREAD experiment (in collaboration with Jesse Liu and other members of the BREAD collaboration)

Kristin DonaJesse Liu

Preprint Published 04/16/2021

THz Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) preprint paper (arXiv:2104.07157) posted on arXiv and will soon be submitted to the Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves! Congratulations to Kristin Dona, Jesse Liu, and Noah Kurinsky who led this effort, along with collaborators Pete Barry, Clarence Chang, and Andrew Sonnenschein


Preprint Published 04/16/2021

MilliQan future sensitivity projections preprint paper (arXiv:2104.07151) posted on arXiv and submitted to PRD! Congratulations to Matthew Citron who led this effort for the milliQan collaboration!

Kristin Dona

Paper Published 04/14/2021

Self-driving trigger paper (arXiv:2104.06622, published via the NeurIPS 2020 Workshop on ML in the Physical Sciences) with Kristin Dona and collaborators Yuxin Chen and Chinmaya Mahesh posted on arXiv!

David MillerJan OffermannMax SwiatlowskiJoakim OlssonKristin DonaCecilia Tosciri

In the news... 04/12/2021

MIT LNS Colloquium by David Miller highlights applications of Machine Learning (ML) in the Miller Lab! Talk features work by Alex Bogatskiy and Jan Offermann on the Lorentz Group Network (LGN), past group members Max Swiatlowski and Joakim Olsson on pion identification and calibration (now also including Jan Offermann), as well as the self-driving trigger effort with Kristin Dona and Cecilia Tosciri and collaborators Yuxin Chen and Chinmaya Mahesh.

David MillerJan OffermannMax SwiatlowskiJoakim OlssonKristin DonaCecilia Tosciri

In the news... 04/05/2021

UChicago EFI Colloquium by David Miller highlights applications of Machine Learning (ML) in the Miller Lab! Talk features work by Alex Bogatskiy and Jan Offermann on the Lorentz Group Network (LGN), past group members Max Swiatlowski and Joakim Olsson on pion identification and calibration (now also including Jan Offermann), as well as the self-driving trigger effort with Kristin Dona and Cecilia Tosciri and collaborators Yuxin Chen and Chinmaya Mahesh.

Cecilia Tosciri

Thesis Award 04/01/2021

Congratulations to postdoc Cecilia Tosciri who was awarded the Springer Thesis Award! Her thesis will be published soon!

David Miller

Conference 03/19/2021

David Miller gave two talks at the 2021 CPAD Workshop (Coordinating Panel for Advanced Detectors) on the self-driving trigger concept paper. The first talk described the concept and the result whereas the second talk focused on "What would it take to build a self-driving trigger and DAQ system?".

David Miller

Conference 03/17/2021

David Miller gave a talk at the 2021 LCWS (Linear Collider Workshop) on New developments in calorimetry as part of a relatively new effort in the group to look towards the future of instrumentation for collider-based particle physics.

Emily SmithCecilia TosciriFukun TangRaam Desani

Major milestone 03/05/2021

On Mar 5, 2021, the ATLAS Level 1 Calorimeter Trigger upgrade project for Run 3 of the LHC conducted the first fully combined readout slice, including gFEX! This is a huge milestone, and congratulations is due to Emily Smith, Cecilia Tosciri, Fukun Tang, Raam Desani who play major roles in making this success a reality!

David Miller

Welcome 03/05/2021

Congratulations to the prospective students who were admitted our PhD program in the Physics Department at the University of Chicago! We had the opportunity to welcome and talk to many of these students who were interested in working in the Miller Lab at today's Physics Open House.

Cecilia Tosciri

ATLAS Sub-Group Convener Appointment 03/01/2021

Cecilia Tosciri appointed as sub-convener for the group dedicated to assessing the JetEtMiss Performance at the High-Luminosity LHC

Cecilia Tosciri

Thesis Award 01/25/2021

A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Cecilia Tosciri who was just awarded the 2020 ATLAS Thesis Award for her thesis entitled "Machine Learning Applications and Observation of Higgs Boson Decays into a Pair of Bottom Quarks with the ATLAS Detector"

Raam DesaniDavid Miller

Welcome 12/18/2020

Welcome to Raam Desani as the newest firmware and electronics engineer to joint the Electronics Development Group in the Enrico Fermi Institute! Raam will be joining the gFEX effort with the Miller Lab!

Daniel ParaizoSpencer Ng

Welcome 11/04/2020

Welcome to Daniel Paraizo and Spencer Ng, two undergraduates (in Physics and Computer Science, respectively) who have joined the group to work on gFEX-related projects! Welcome!

Kristin Dona

Paper Accepted 10/30/2020

Congratulations to Kristin Dona, Chinmaya Mahesh, and Yuxin Chen, with whom our paper on "Towards an Interpretable Data-driven Trigger System for High-throughput Physics Facilities" was accepted to the Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences workshop at NeurIPS 2020.

Cecilia Tosciri

Welcome 09/14/2020

A very warm welcome to Cecilia Tosciri, a new postdoc with the Chicago ATLAS Group while will be working with us on both hardware and physics analysis!

Jesse LiuEmily SmithJan OffermannKristin DonaFukun TangMax Swiatlowski

Congratulations 08/31/2020

Congratulations to Jesse Liu, Emily Smith, Jan Offermann, Kristin Dona, Fukun Tang, and all of our collaborators (including Max Swiatlowski) on submitting 7 (!) Letters of Interest to the Snowmass 2021 process! These ranged from new ideas for axion detector technology, to self-driving trigger systems, to new approaches and impetus for jet substructure measurements and searches!

David Miller

Preprint Published 07/06/2020

New preprint on the Run 2 jet energy scale and resolution from ATLAS is out! David Miller worked together with a small team, led by collaborators Kate Pachal (Duke) and Jona Bossio (McGill), to put together this comprehensive summary of the JES/JER!

Jan OffermannMarwah Roussi

Paper Accepted 06/01/2020

Our paper on building a novel "Lorentz Group Equivariant Neural Network for Particle Physics" with Alex Bogatskiy, Jan Offerman, Marwah Roussi, Risi Kondor, and Brandon Anderson was accepted by ICML 2020!

David Miller

New Support 05/15/2020

NSF awards the UChicago ATLAS Group with a new 3-year, multi-million dollar grant for research activities, with David Miller as the PI, and Young-Kee Kim, Mark Oreglia, and Mel Shochet as Co-PIs!

Jan Offermann

Fellowship 05/15/2020

Congratulations to Jan Offermann who was awarded a 1 year DOE SCGSR fellowship to conduct research with Taylor Childers at Argonne National Lab!

Max SwiatlowskiHenry Zheng

New Results 05/13/2020

milliQan sets new limits on millicharged particles using data obtained from our demonstrator in 2018, which was installed with the help of Max Swiatlowski and for which Henry Zheng did several studies of the HV system and the pointing resolution.


New Support 03/31/2020

NSF Award notice for the first installment of the MREFC funding for HL-LHC was issued!

Kristin DonaRyan SimeonEmily Smith

In the news... 02/13/2020

Upgrades for the High Luminosity LHC are in the spotlight after NSF approves funding for the MREFC award. Several group members of the group work on projects related to these upgrades, including Kristin Dona, Ryan Simeon and Emily Smith!

Jan OffermannMarwah RoussiDavid Miller

Conference 01/15/2020

Collaborator Alex Bogatskiy presents work on Lorentz Covariant Neural Networks at the ML4Jets workshop at NYU on behalf of Risi Kondor, Jan Offermann, Marwah Roussi, and David Miller

David Miller

Promotion 12/13/2019

David Miller was awarded Tenure in the University of Chicago Department of Physics and the Enrico Fermi Institute!

David Miller

New Support 12/03/2019

David Miller and collaborator Yuxin Chen of Computer Science were awarded a funding grant from CDAC for their proposal "Towards a Data-driven Trigger System for the Large Hadron Collider" which aims to explore the concept of a "self-driving" trigger system for high energy physics

David MillerJan OffermannMarwah Roussi

In the news... 10/01/2019

The Center for Data and Computing (CDAC) features work by David Miller and Risi Kondor (CS), along with Jan Offermann, Alex Bogatskiy, and Marwah Roussi for novel neural network architectures for jet physics!

Giordon Stark

Thesis Award 08/09/2019

Congratulations to former graduate student Giordon Stark for being awarded the 2019 Springer Thesis Award!

David Miller

Design Review Passed 07/29/2019

David Miller and UChicago Particle Physics colleagues and faculty Mark Oreglia and Mel Shochet participate in a BNL Director's Funding Review at Columbia University in preparation for the NSF Final Design Review for the MREFC funding of USATLAS Upgrades for the High Luminosity LHC

David Miller

Conference 07/25/2019

Nhan Tran and David Miller organized and moderated a panel discussion on the future of 'BOOST' at the BOOST 2019 conference in Boston

Reina CamachoMiles Wu

Paper Published 07/17/2019

The first measurement of the boosted hadronic Z->bb mass using jet substructure techniques is now published on arXiv [arXiv:1907.07093]! Amazing work again with Chris Delitzsch and former postdoc Reina Camacho that grew out of Miles Wu's thesis!

Reina Camacho

Paper Published 06/27/2019

Boosted Higgs boson performance paper published on arXiv (arXiv:1906.11005)! This paper is focused in part on work done with Chris Delitzsch and Reina Camacho.

Joakim OlssonReina Camacho

Paper Accepted 06/21/2019

Our paper (with Joakim Olsson and Reina Camacho) on the search for high mass electroweak SUSY processes decaying to W and Higgs bosons (arXiv:1812.09432) was accepted by Phys. Rev. D.

Emily SmithFukun Tang

Detector commissioning 06/19/2019

Intense week of commissioning and integration of the new gFEX trigger system for Run 3 of ATLAS with Emily Smith and Fukun Tang

Ben GuthrieJack HuangBen WarrenHenry Zheng

Graduation 06/14/2019

Congratulations to Ben Guthrie, Jack Huang, Ben Warren, and Henry Zheng for their graduation from the College of the University of Chicago! Best of luck in whatever comes next!

Emily SmithDavid Miller

Conference 06/12/2019

Emily Smith and David Miller present results and future possibilities for machine learning using Multi-Processor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) hardware devices at the first System-on-Chip Workshop

Jan OffermannRyan SimeonJen Jang

Welcome 06/05/2019

Welcome to new members of the group: Jan Offermann (grad student), Ryan Simeon (undergrad), and Jen Jang (undergrad)!

David Miller

Conference 05/20/2019

David Miller presents work from the group at both the SUSY 2019 (Corpus Christi, Texas, USA) and LHCP 2019 (Puebla, Mexico) conferences!


Paper Published 05/09/2019

Iterative Constituent Subtraction paper published on arXiv (arXiv:1905.03470)

Emily Smith

In the news... 05/09/2019

Emily Smith is featured in the Physical Sciences Division Spotlight

David Miller

Public Lecture 05/07/2019

2nd Annual Neubauer Lecture given by David Miller: 'Smashing Protons: Using the Biggest Machines Ever Built to Study the Fundamental Fabric of the Universe'

Shalma Wegsman Gueron

Summer Fellowship 04/04/2019

Congratulations to Shalma WegsmanGueron who was awarded the Jeff Metcalf Fellowship Grant to conduct research with the group over the summer!

Emily Smith

NDSEG Fellowship 04/01/2019

Congratulations to Emily Smith who has been offered the NDSEG Fellowship, to start in Fall 2019! Congratulations, Emily!

Shalma Wegsman GueronEmily Smith

Welcome 03/26/2019

Welcome to undergraduate student Shalma WegsmanGueron who will be working with Emily Smith on studying searching for new physics using boosted objects!

David MillerMarwah Roussi

New Collaboration 03/22/2019

Enormous thanks to the Center for Data and Computing (CDAC) for their generous funding through the Winter 2019 Data Science Discovery Grants for collaboration between Risi Kondor in the CS department and David Miller and Marwah Roussi to study jet physics with new neural network architectures!

David MillerReina Camacho

New Support 03/05/2019

Huge thanks to the Chicago France Center for their generous funding for measurements of jet substructure using machine learning at the LHC for David Miller and former postdoc Reina Camacho! Looking forward to building up this effort over the next two years!

Marwah Roussi

Welcome 02/07/2019

Welcome to undergraduate student Marwah Roussi who has officially joined the group!

Reina Camacho

Congratulations 01/23/2019

Congratulations to postdoc alumna Reina Camacho on her appointment to the ATLAS Early Career Science Board!

David MillerEmily SmithBen WarrenJack Huang

In the news... 01/15/2019

Workshop on LHC Run II Analysis with Machine Learning features talk by David Miller on the work that Emily Smith, Ben Warren, and Jack Huang are doing to incorporate machine learning into the hardware triggers in ATLAS!

Emily SmithGiordon Stark

Congratulations 10/17/2018

Congratulations to the entire gFEX team, including Emily Smith, Giordon Stark, for collecting the first collision data during Stable Beams!

Joakim Olsson

Ph.D. 09/17/2018

Graduate student Joakim Olsson successfully defended his thesis (Searching for supersymmetry in Fully Hadronic Final States with the ATLAS Experiment)!

Max SwiatlowskiGiordon Stark

Paper Published 07/23/2018

Congratulations to Max Swiatlowski and Giordon Stark for publishing their report on the search for SUSY with many b-jets and jet substructure in 80 fb-1 of LHC data! (ATLAS-CONF-2018-041)

Reina CamachoDavid Miller

Conference 07/16/2018

10th annual BOOST Conference on Boosted Object Phenomenology, Reconstruction and Searches in HEP takes place in Paris, France hosted by former postdoc Reina Camacho (now permanent at LPNHE) and with a talk on SUSY Searches with Boosted Objects from David Miller.

David Miller

Outreach 07/09/2018

The 2018 Fermi Summer Interns Program in Science for local 7th graders is hosted by David Miller and Dave Schmitz (neutrinos), with a lecture on ATLAS!

Emily Smith

Welcome 06/15/2018

Welcome to graduate student Emily Smith who has officially joined the group!

Giordon StarkMax Swiatlowski

Conference 05/23/2018

Chicago students and postdocs (Lesya Horyn, Giordon Stark, Tova Holmes, Max Swiatlowski) present research and new ideas at the ATLAS Supersymmetry Workshop in Stockholm, Sweden

Giordon Stark

Ph.D. 04/26/2018

Graduate student Giordon Stark successfully defended his thesis (The search for supersymmetry in hadronic final states using boosted object reconstruction: (!

David Miller

Conference 04/24/2018

Chicago effort on designing trigger systems using new multi-processor system-on-chip (MPSoC) technology presented by David Miller at the Sixth Common ATLAS CMS Electronics Workshop for LHC Upgrades

David Miller

Outreach 04/07/2018

David Miller represents Chicago and the US LHC Users Association (USLUA) at the 2018 USA Science & Engineering Festival doing outreach with the virtual reality ATLAS RIFT system developed by Ilija Vukotic!


Major milestone 12/06/2017

gFEX passes a major milestone with a successful Production Readiness Review (PRR) and has been given the green light to begin production!

Max Swiatlowski

Paper Published 11/22/2017

First measurement of the soft drop jet mass published by Max Swiatlowski! (

Giordon StarkMax SwiatlowskiDavid Miller

Paper Published 11/22/2017

Another update in the search for SUSY in multi-b final states published by Giordon Stark, Max Swiatlowski, and David Miller! (

David Miller

Conference 10/30/2017

David Miller organizes and hosts the EFI Workshop on Data Analytics for Physics

Giordon Stark

Nathan Sugarman Award 05/30/2017

Congratulations to graduate student Giordon Stark who was awarded the 2017 Nathan Sugarman Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Research!

Miles Wu

Ph.D. 01/31/2017

Graduate student Miles Wu successfully defended his thesis: Measurement of collinear W boson emission: (

Max Swiatlowski

ATLAS Sub-Group Convener Appointment 10/01/2016

Congratulations to postdoc Max Swiatlowski who was appointed as sub-convener of the subgroup on SUSY searches in squark and gluino final states and signatures in ATLAS!

Reina Camacho

ATLAS Sub-Group Convener Appointment 04/01/2016

Congratulations to postdoc Reina Camacho who was appointed as sub-convener of the subgroup on Exotics searches using diboson signatures in ATLAS!

Reina Camacho

Celebration 03/08/2016

Congratulations to postdoc Reina Camacho who was featured among the 7 inspiring women from the ATLAS experiment in celebration of International Women's Day 2016

Joakim OlssonDavid Miller

Paper Published 01/27/2016

Congratulations to Joakim Olsson, David Miller on publishing the Run 1 RPV SUSY Stop paper (

Max SwiatlowskiGiordon StarkDavid Miller

Paper Published 12/14/2015

Congratulations to Max Swiatlowski, Giordon Stark, and David Miller on publishing the Run 2 conference paper looking for SUSY in multi-b final states with top-tagging applied (ATLAS-CONF-2015-067)

Max Swiatlowski

Congratulations 11/22/2015

Congratulations to Max Swiatlowski on winning the 2015 US LHC Users Association Lightning Round competition!

David Miller

Paper Published 10/15/2015

Run 1 paper by David Miller on pile-up mitigation techniques published (

Max SwiatlowskiJoakim OlssonDavid Miller

Paper Published 06/30/2015

Congratulations to Max Swiatlowski, Joakim Olsson, David Miller on publishing the Run 1 RPV SUSY Multijet Paper Phys. Rev. D 91, 112016 (2015) (

Reina Camacho

Paper Published 03/13/2015

Congratulations to Reina Camacho for publishing the conference paper on the Global Sequential Calibration technique (ATLAS-CONF-2015-002)

Reina Camacho

Welcome 02/15/2015

Welcome to Reina Camacho, new postdoc in the group! She's also the new lead on the boosted Higgs tagging effort in ATLAS!


Design Review Passed 02/04/2015

Boosted object trigger for Run 3 (gFEX) Preliminary Design Review Approved!