KAON '99 Conference Proceedings


We plan to issue full proceedings for our conference. These will be published by The University of Chicago Press. The rather high standards of the Press speak against the volume being a simple assembly of all contributions. The editors will attempt to provide introductory prose for the various sections of the book and to see that the contributions properly cross-reference each other. In the end, this should enhance the value of the proceedings.

It will be necessary to satisfy the Press' guidelines which are somewhat more demanding than those for conference proceedings. The Press has recently published a volume in memory of S. Chandrasekhar, edited by R. M. Wald, which may guide your thinking in this respect. (A copy will be on display at Kaon 99.) We feel this is appropriate in view of the tremendous strides which have been made in the study of kaon decays in the past few years. We are hoping for articles of the quality of that by J. S. Bell and J. Steinberger in the Proceedings of the 1965 Oxford Conference on Elementary Particles, which has been quoted consistently for more than thirty years.

To begin with, the Press will want to send the completed manuscript of the volume out to two peer reviewers, chosen from a list that we will provide. It is possible that revisions of some contributions will be requested, though this will be less likely if all speakers conform to the Guidelines for Contributors noted below. In order to ensure timely publication, we are asking speakers to have LaTeX files with encapsulated PostScript figures in our hands by July 31. In the rare cases of speakers who do not use this format, we would like to receive camera-ready copy by that date. If you wish to arrive in Chicago with a completed draft, all the better, since that will facilitate coordination with other speakers.

A second point which we wish to stress is that the effective integration of contributions requires that all contributors plan to attend as much of the conference as possible, so that contributions can be properly cross-referenced. In the rare cases where that is not possible, we ask you to let us know ahead of time so that we can make arrangements for you to be informed of what other contributors will be providing. We do not want to produce a volume of disjoint chapters but rather an integrated picture of the state of the field at the turn of the millennium. It would be extremely helpful, therefore, if you would contact other speakers in your sessions or on related subjects in other sessions to coordinate your presentations.

Your written contribution should forego some specialized details in favor of a more broadly based exposition. Think of it somewhat more like a colloquium rather than a specialized seminar, and bear in mind that the volume should be one which is likely to be valuable as supplemental material in a graduate physics course as well as to your more advanced colleagues.

We wish to keep the length of the book to 500 pages. With about 1500 minutes of presentations (300 per day), this works out to one page for every three minutes. Although this may seem quite stringent, we are confident that you will manage to meet the goal. Specifically, please keep your contributions to the following length:

Length of presentation (min.) Pages in volume
10 (panelists) 3
15 5
20 7
25 8
30 10
45 (summary only) 15

With your cooperation, we expect to produce a volume which will not be just another Conference Proceedings but an integrated portrait of the field of kaon decays which will be read by physicists for many years in the future.

Guidelines for Contributors

We will be assembling all of the contributions to the conference into a book, which will be typeset using LaTeX. The most important thing that you can do to assist us in this process is to prepare your contribution in the default LaTeX article style, avoiding the use of any specialized style files or visual formatting commands. The reason is that any such special formatting will have to be undone in order to make your contribution conform to the style of the book.

Figures can be included in your contribution using the standard epsfig package (or the graphics package if you are using LaTeX2e).

Your list of references should be produced with the standard LaTeX commands
(\begin{thebibliography} ... \end{thebibliography})
and referred to in the text with the \cite command.

To estimate the length of your contribution as it will appear in the final book, begin your LaTeX file with the following commands:


For LaTeX2e users, the first line should instead be \documentclass[12pt]{article}

Sample LaTeX and PostScript documents are available. We thank Lincoln Wolfenstein for being the first contributor to provide a manuscript.

If you have any questions, please mail Ted Quinn at tcquinn@rainbow.uchicago.edu and we will be happy to assist you.

Revised: June 16, 1999