TileCal Trigger Signals
The TileCal LVL1 trigger signals are produced by analog adders located
in the electronics drawers. The inputs to the adders are shaped analog
signals from the the 3-in-1 cards associated with each PMT. The signal
amplitudes are proportional to the charge from the PMT and the timing
is set with fixed delay cables to obtain a coincidence of all signals
in the tower.
The output timing from each tower varies because of time-of-flight effects and
the location of the adder circuit. The signals represent energy sums not
ET sums.
Trigger tower output signals
- unipolar, 50 ns FWHM
- calibration, ± 4 mV/GeV
- differential, ± 2 V full scale (500 GeV)
- outputs are capable of driving 50 ohm loads with respect to ground
- noise < ± 1 mV RMS
- fast overload recovery
Input signals to trigger tower adders
- unipolar, 50 ns FWHM
- shaped pulses derived from PMT signals
- coincident in time to ± 1.5 ns
- calibration, ± 0.5 mV/GeV
- differential, ± 0.5 V full scale (1000 GeV)
- enable/disable for each signal via 3-in-1 control
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