The Miller Lab at The University of Chicago

The Miller Lab explores the properties of fundamental particles at the edge of current technologies, using the highest energy proton-proton collisions ever produced in a lab at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland using the novel instrumentation of the ATLAS Experiment, dedicated high-speed electronics and real-time data processing, and cutting-edge data analysis algorithms.


Triggering on Lorentz-boosted objects

Complex objects often slip past our data filtering systems (triggers). By constructing extremely fast, sophisticated electronics systems that specifically search for these complex structures in real-time, we can recover these otherwise lost objects. This is the gFEX boosted object trigger for Run 3 of the LHC.

Exploring the Standard Model in extreme conditions

The Standard Model offers detailed predictions of the interactions of quarks and gluons with massive gauge bosons. Tests of these predictions at the most extreme energies accessible in the lab shed more light on our current understanding of the theoretical tools and the theory itself, as well as aiding in the search for new physics.


Searching for milli-charged particles

Though over a quarter of the mass-energy of the universe is widely thought to be some kind of non-luminous dark matter (DM), all experiments to date have failed to directly detect it, much less measure its properties. The milliQan experiment offers a new approach to detecting new fractionally-charged matter that could constitute a component of the dark matter.

Searching for axions and dark photons

Axions are a leading candidate for both Dark Matter and as a solution to the Strong CP problem in the Standard Model of Particle Physics. Our group is embarking on a new broadband (wide mass range) search for axions using a novel reflector concept that aims for sensitivity in the THz (meV) parameter range. As part of the R&D process, we've built a THz Fourier Transform Spectrometer to characterize the detector components.


Machine Learning for Particle Physics

Particle Physics has benefitted from, and in many ways strengthened and advanced, progress in AI/ML for decades due to its proliferation of enormous data sets, complex instrumentation, and computing infrastructure. Our group is engaged in efforts to target important problems relevant to the use of of machine learning, symmetries, and domain knowledge in particle physics.

Conference 08/12/2024

Timothy Hoffman

Congratulations to Timothy for presenting his poster on "Near perfect jet classification through equivariant regression" at the 2024 AIFI Summer Workshop!

Congratulations 08/10/2024

Gabe HoshinoMira Littmann

End of the BREAD Axion Physics Run in the 4T solenoid magnet at Argonne National Laboratory. Huge congratulations to Gabe, Alex, and Mira, along with all of our collaborators!

Conference 08/07/2024

Conference 07/29/2024

Cecilia Tosciri

Cecilia presents the results from gFEX for the fully commissioned Run 3 performance at the 2024 BOOST Workshop on Jets and Jet Substriucture



High-Speed Electronics

High-Speed Electronics

Jet Substructure & Boosted Objects

Jet Substructure & Boosted Objects

Standard Model Measurements

Standard Model Measurements

Searches for New Physics

Searches for New Physics

MilliQan Experiment

MilliQan Experiment

Axion Searches

Axion Searches

Machine Learning for Particle Physics

Machine Learning for Particle Physics

Alex Bogatskiy, Timothy Hoffman, David W. Miller, Jan T. Offermann, Xiaoyang Liu, "Explainable Equivariant Neural Networks for Particle Physics: PELICAN" JHEP 03 (2024) 113 [arXiv:2307.16506]

University of Chicago
Physical Sciences Division
Physics Department
Enrico Fermi Institute
Chicago France Center
Center for Data and Applied Computing