[Seminars] Particle Physics Seminar Monday March 8, 2021

Ramona Echols rechols06 at uchicago.edu
Tue Mar 2 08:45:34 CST 2021

                                            ***Particle Physics Seminar***
                                            Monday March 8, 2021    3:30 PM
                                            Zoom:  https://uchicagogroup.zoom.us/j/92343310490?pwd=eHl3dEJHcXRZS2UrSUhqcmVKUXhPZz09
                                            Meeting ID: 923 4331 0490
                                            Passcode: 60637
                                           Accelerated machine learning inference as trigger and computing solutions in particle physics
             		   	Miaoyuan Liu, CERN 
                        The recent boom in artificial intelligence (AI) alongside big data being collected everywhere in our world, is impacting our lives in an unprecedented way. The growing exploration of machine learning algorithms in particle physics offer new solutions in many areas such as analyses, simulation and reconstruction. However, the large number of computations also make it extremely challenging to program these algorithms on more energy-efficient, faster computing hardware such as field programming gate arrays (FPGAs) or application-specific customized chips (ASIC), thus restricts the usage of these networks in applications that have stringent speed requirements, such as in large-scale particle physics experiments, which need to handle large data volume at a high rate. Accelerated machine learning inference can potentially provide solutions to these challenging demands for both high-performance trigger as well as high-throughput computing systems. In my talk, I will discuss developments in employing accelerated machine learning inferences as solutions to our data processing challenges in particle physics.

                                             ** Zoom Call-In Info **
                                             Dial by your location
                                             +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
                                             Meeting ID: 923 4331 0490
                                             Passcode: 60637
                                             Find your local number: https://uchicagogroup.zoom.us/u/ane8huPye

                                Ramona Echols,  EFI/HEP Secretary IV
                                University of Chicago | Enrico Fermi Institute 
                                933 E 56th Street, MCP 101
                                Chicago, IL 60637
                                T: 773-702-8113 | E: Rechols06 at uchicago.edu
                                Hours: 7:30AM – 4:00PM

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