[Seminars] Monday 10/21/2019 Accelerator Seminar

Ramona Echols rechols06 at uchicago.edu
Mon Oct 21 07:07:01 CDT 2019

**Accelerator Seminar TODAY**

MCP 215 1:30 PM

Sandra G. Biedron, University of New Mexico

>From the advent of modern analytical devices, including those ranging
from the first microscopes to x-ray probes of just over a 100 years ago,
to Fermi’s 450-MeV Chicago Cyclotron, humans have been able to see
clearly the enormous utility in such probes of matter that have allowed
us to make both basic and applied scientific discoveries. We have not
tired in trying to develop the most powerful tools, such as today’s
coherent, soft to hard x-ray lasers, powerful neutron sources, and
high-intensity lasers. The architecture of these tools and their use as
user facilities has history in Fermi’s thoughts in which multi-disciplinary
involvement is necessary for doing big science. Since 1938, accelerator
science, as an example, has influenced almost 1/3 of physicists and
physics studies and on average has contributed to Nobel Prize-winning
physics research every 2.9 years. We discuss several areas in which we
are making contributions to improving analytical tools in the areas of
accelerator science and technology, lasers, and many peripherals at
the user-facility scale as well as for future smaller scale systems. A new
tunable laser architecture (to reach longer wavelengths enhancing light
sources and for enabling lab-scale astrophysics and particle sources),
the use of data science (for activities such as rapid modeling and
control), and a novel short-wavelength compact coherent light source
in the soft x-rays to x-rays, will all be discussed as pathways to enhance
these present and future analytical tools.Throughout the talk, we will stress
the extraordinary importance of not only the science and engineering
discovered or applied by these tools, but the science and engineering
contributions associated with the tools themselves. This holistic viewpoint
of the science of the analytical tool itself and the complementary scientific
output of the tool can help us architect new analytical tools for our
colleagues in many fields, such as quantum computing, the biological
sciences, medical applications, and even anthropology and archeology.

Ramona Echols,  EFI/HEP Secretary IV
Enrico Fermi Institute 
University of Chicago
933 E 56th Street, MCP 101
Chicago, IL 60637
Phone: 773-702-8113
Rechols06 at uchicago.edu

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