[Seminars] EFI Colloquium today! - April 25

Holly Hernandez holly2 at uchicago.edu
Mon Apr 25 08:53:26 CDT 2016


Monday April 18, 2016
ERC 401

Speaker: Dam Son (UChicago)

Title: Hydrodynamics and quantum anomalies

Abstract: Hydrodynamics is the theory describing collective behaviors of fluids and gases. It is usually considered to be part of classical physics. In recent years, it has been found that hydrodynamics can display the effects of anomalies familiar from particle physics. We will see how this interplay between quantum and classical physics was found gauge/gravity duality. I will also describe the possible relevance of the new findings to the physics of the quark gluon plasma and the Dirac and Weyl semimetals.

 Refreshments at 3:45 and reception following colloquium.
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