Fabrication and Assembly Details
for Mother Board Mezzanine Card

  1. PCB Specifications (B-2428V31b)
  2. Schematics
  3. Component placement drawings
  4. Component assembly list (xls)
  5. Artwork for viewing (16 pdf pages)
  6. PagesFilmContents
    11Layer 1, Top component layer (Signal_1)
    22Layer 2, Vcc power plane
    33Layer 3, Ground plane
    44Layer 4, Inner signal layer (Signal_3)
    55Layer 5, Inner signal layer (Signal_4)
    66Layer 6, A Vcc power plane
    77Layer 7, AGND plane
    88Layer 8, Bottom component layer (Signal_2)
    99Top solder mask
    1010Bottom solder mask
    1111Top silkscreen
    1212Bottom silkscreen
    1313Top paste mask
    1414Bottom paste mask
    1515Mill plot
    1616Drill plot
  7. Files for download to vendor:
    • zip file 1 containing PCB specification file, schematics, component placement drawing, component assembly list.
    • zip file 2 containing PCB specification file, Gerber and text files for PCB fabrication. It includes artwork of item 5 above plus aperture table, drill files and mill files.